Rogaining Tasmania

GorgeUs setters David Cole and Andrea Schiwy

About a year ago, David Cole casually mentioned to Rogaining Tasmania president Gary Carroll that he was thinking about organising a metrogaine in Launceston. Within seconds, David found that he was now committed to organising a metrogaine in Launceston.

David and I unearthed the map that was prepared for the Launceston metrogaine held many years ago, and for which only around ten teams entered. The map was not up to current Rogaining Tasmania standards and many of the previous checkpoints were no longer suitable. Gary and Paul Pacque set about creating a fantastic new map and David and I set off to look for new checkpoints.

When setting the course we had a few things prioritised: making use of the beautiful Trevallyn reserve and gorge, and placing a high number of checkpoints (and points) within family friendly limits. We were also conscious of the need to ensure that our checkpoints would be there on the day (who remembers the Great Kayak Disappearance in Kingborough?). We went for too many checkpoints, rather than too few, and set some high pointers in all four quadrants of the map.

We had great fun exploring the city with new eyes. Who knew there were so many signs, statues and sculptures? We easily found heaps of suitable checkpoints and put our brains in gear to develop the questions.

Given veteran rogainer Paul Pacque was our course vetter, we relaxed, knowing he would (and did) do a thorough job of checking our work.

Gary took on most of the other organisational roles and Judy Davis took on catering duties. So, after setting the questions and answers, the setters had it relatively easy.

We were thrilled when the entries started rolling in. Thanks to the efforts of the marketing team, we ended up with 57 teams and over 130 entrants.

The day was an absolute cracker weather wise. And we were very happy with the turnout and the lack of controversy about the controls. Except one. The Great Kayak Disappearance is now rivalled by the Disappearing Garage Door.

After looking at the results we found that all but one of the checkpoints was visited and good use was made of the 100 pointers.

Congratulations to all our entrants on creating a cheery atmosphere at the hash house and around town; and especially to our newcomers who were willing to give rogaining a crack. Well done to all the class winners and in particular, to Joe and Euan, for taking out the overall lead.

The winners' route and event results can be viewed on the RT results page, and don't miss Adele Winslow's photos.

Many thanks to Paul, Gary and Judy and the many other volunteers who made running the event a painless exercise.

by Andrea Schiwy