Rogaining Tasmania

At the 2016 AGM held in December Nick Bowden stepped down after 10 years as Rogaining Tasmania’s president. We are all grateful for Nick’s dedication and guidance during his reign. Nick will remain on the committee where his experience and detailed knowledge of apparently every landowner in Tasmania will be invaluable, and he’ll be busy as one of the key organisers for the 2019 Australian Championship, which Tasmania will be hosting. Thanks also to Nicole Carpenter who has left the committee after serving 6 years as secretary.

The new committee is a great mix of new and old (experience-wise). General committee members are Rod Bilson (Equipment / Membership), Brendan Hey (Mountain Bike), Nick Bowden, Liz Canning, Hugh Fitzgerald, Peter Tuft and

Robyn Tuft.  Sally Wayte is Secretary, Jeff Dunn (newsletter editor) and Adele Winslow are the Vice Presidents. Ross Kelly continues as Treasurer. John Dawson will continue handling the website and newsletter distribution. Gary Carroll is the incoming president and he is hoping that it won’t be for the next 10 years.