Rogaining Tasmania

In 2024, the Intervarsity Championships will be held in conjunction with the Australasian Rogaining Championships (a 24-hour bush event) in WA on the 7th and 8th of September. Tasmania is the reigning Intervarsity title holder, thanks to Will Whittington and Xavier Scott winning the 2023 Australian Intervarsity Championships in NSW.

Will Whittington and Xavier Scott

Each year, funding is provided by the Nigel Aylott Memorial Sports Foundation (NAMSF) to cover the travel costs of one team from each state to compete in the Intervarsity Championships. Team members must be students at the same Tasmanian tertiary institution. Preference will be given to full-time undergraduate students, although part-time and postgraduate students are still encouraged to apply. The funding typically covers the cost of flights, bus transport to and from the hash house, and accommodation (if necessary) for a team of two to compete. Team members are responsible for additional costs, such as the event entry fee. Full details for the 2024 funding will be released in June.

Now is the time to convince someone to be your teammate if you haven't already! Please send your team nomination to Jaymee Knoll at by Sunday, 28 July. Nominations can be brief, and just need to state the University or TAFE you both attend, whether you are undergraduate or postgraduate, and your experience and recent results at rogaines or related sporting activities (e.g., orienteering or trail running). The successful team will be informed very soon after this deadline. If you have any questions, please ask Jaymee, who was a NAMSF funding recipient in 2022.