Rogaining Tasmania

AquagaineEntries are now open for the four-hour Arthurs Lake Aquagaine, which will be held on Sunday 25 February 2024. It is a foot-and-human-powered watercraft-based rogaine, suitable for casual participants, families and serious competitors. It is a social event with an emphasis on having fun. The aquagaine is intended to be enjoyed with a watercraft, but some checkpoints will be accessible just on foot. Some checkpoints will be located on islands and away from the water, so be prepared to get in and out of your watercraft. Skipping the boat altogether for the water-crossings and treating the event as a swim/run is not allowed for safety reasons.

The hash house will be at the newly refurbished Jonah Bay campground at Arthurs Lake. Camping on Saturday night is included in the entry fee and is encouraged. The campground includes toilets and change rooms. During the event, you will explore the north-western section of the lake, an area replete with many islands and skeleton trees, as well as the mixed terrain surrounding the lake and on the islands themselves.

Catering will not be provided, but we are planning a BYO barbeque and social gathering on Saturday night. The barbeque(s) will also be available on Sunday post-event.

The lake has submerged trees and snags because it was flooded when dammed. With the underlying highland rubble as a base, the landfalls can be a mixture of dodging rocks or sliding over slime. This is not the place you want to bring your expensive superlight surf ski, unless you are going to be very careful. You have been warned.

For detailed information about the event and to enter, visit