Rogaining Tasmania Inc.

The 16th World Rogaining Championships will be taking place in the scenic Catalonian Pyrenees, Spain, on July 27th and 28th.

You can read up on the event, enter (until 15 July), look at the photos and eventually check on results at the English version of the website.

Teams at the event are required to carry a GPS device which will be used for on-line tracking during the event. So you can watch your computer screen during the event and follow the entrants’ progress as they compete, during what will be a steep and physically demanding event.

Good luck to all the Australians and in particular the Tasmanians involved - Chris Brown and Karen Pedley, as well as Neil Hawthorne who is competing with Graham Field (NSW). Andrew Smith and Antonia Bachvarova who were the winners of RT’s Bangor event last year have also entered.